About Me

- Mabel
- Singapore, Singapore
- 2+2+0+7+1+9+9+5=35 3+5=8 Yes, my birth number is 8. Representing leadership potential, stubborn, successful & rebellious. I love my circle of friends, my parents and grandparents. Prefer to have fun, laughter and experiences of different sort. Like entertainers in the group ;)
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Tibit: Japan Culture
1.Raw horse meat is a popular food in Japan.
2.Sometimes the trains are so crowded railway staff are employed to cram passengers inside.
3.For many Japanese couples Christmas is celebrated like Valentine's Day in the western world.
4.Sumo is Japan's national sport, although baseball is also very popular.
5.Noodles, especially soba (buckwheat), are slurped loudly when eaten. It is often said 6.slurping symbolizes the food is delicious, but the slurping also serves to cool down the hot noodles for eating.
7.There are around 1,500 earthquakes every year in Japan.
8.Contrary to popular belief, whale meat is not a delicacy in Japan. Many Japanese dislike the taste and older Japanese are reminded of the post-World War II period when whale meat was one of the few economical sources of protein.
9.In the past women in Japan might cut their hair after breaking up with a boyfriend.
When moving into an apartment it is often required to give the landlord a "gift" of money equal to two months' rent.
10.Geisha means "person of the arts" and the first geisha were actually men.
Taken from:http://www.facts-about-japan.com/interesting.html