Many researchers believes that sleep plays an active role in consolidation of declarative memory. Specifically, sleep’s unique properties enhance memory consolidation, such as the reactivation of newly learned memories during sleep.
Slow-Wave Sleep, often referred to as deep sleep, plays the most important role in consolidation of declarative memory and there is a large amount of evidence to support this claim. For instance, one study found that the first 3.5 hours of sleep offer the greatest performance enhancement on memory recall tasks, because the first couple of hours are dominated by SWS.
About Me

- Mabel
- Singapore, Singapore
- 2+2+0+7+1+9+9+5=35 3+5=8 Yes, my birth number is 8. Representing leadership potential, stubborn, successful & rebellious. I love my circle of friends, my parents and grandparents. Prefer to have fun, laughter and experiences of different sort. Like entertainers in the group ;)
Blog Archive
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- Tibits: Psychology tells you about love
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- Poetry: My favorite flower --- Sunflower
- The Broken--- Sometimes can't be fixed
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- Tibits: How to make a boy blush
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- Mini Essay: Stand Up
- Hugs
- Tibit: How do you know if he or she likes you?
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- Emptiness
- Tibit: Depression
- Tibit: Déjà vu
- Destiny Or Chance?
- Tibit: Memory Food
- Preparation for competition
- Mini Essay: Write about an occasion when you had t...
- Tibit: Memory
- Mini Essay: Should lessons be extended without ear...
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