About Me

- Mabel
- Singapore, Singapore
- 2+2+0+7+1+9+9+5=35 3+5=8 Yes, my birth number is 8. Representing leadership potential, stubborn, successful & rebellious. I love my circle of friends, my parents and grandparents. Prefer to have fun, laughter and experiences of different sort. Like entertainers in the group ;)
Blog Archive
- Extraction
- Tibits: TFT
- Photography: Love Letters
- At Home
- Yo!~ Im back :)
- Photography: Cookies
- Tibits: Diet and Nutrition
- Sick :(
- Prom Shopping!~
- Knock Knock~
- Lyrics: 记得
- Fun
- Chalet!~
- Photography: Chocolates
- Chalet Planning
- Tibits: Greek Mythology 01
- Photography: Sweet moments
- Held Back?!
- Photography: Help
- Food money
- Truth
- Tibits: Big Two
- Photography: Record
- Mornings :)
- Photography: Cats
- Tibits: Smiley
- Mini Essay: 《我》
- Hibernation
- Tibits: Astronomy
- Tears Of Joy
- Marathon
- Photography: Wedding Theme
- Diary Entries (55)
- Essays (4)
- Moments of creativity (20)
- Tibits (15)
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Chalet Planning
Tiring! I've never been so hardworking before. The amount of work we completed was unbelievably tremendous. Also, the effort we put into this cannot be described with words. We created colourful, nicely-made boxes for truth or dare lucky draw. Planned a timetable which most of the time for events are estimated. Spent hours shopping, talking and discussing. O-M-G, I really want to lie on my soft, comfy bed for a good night rest. But Biology paper 1 is still waiting for me tomorrow at 2pm. Oops! =p Wish me good luck?
And I saw a rainbow today during sunset. Awww....
Mabel's emotional weather report: Rainbow
Diary Entries