

Indeed, the chalet was a total success, well-planned and people who were there had a whole lot of fun. The happy moments during this period, I would like to keep it in this blog. We talked, played and cycled in the rain. We ate junk food, mcdonalds, protein-rich foods: unhealthy but good taste. The barbeque was great. That would be thanks to Darren who was willing to sponser and Wei Chin, Meng Yang and Shao Rong who was in charge of cooking. That night, everyone was so sick of the oily and greasy food and Jie Xuan and me have to go fairprice to get fruits. LOL. Hahas
Remembering the smiles of people and the unglam pictures, I couldn't help it but feel happy. No regrets organising the chalet, even though it's tiring. Haven't been sleeping the previous 2 days, so going to bed soon.. The 3 days were lovely...

Mabel's emotional weather report: Smiles
